Goals are the way for making dreams a reality. All of us are born with a purpose in our lives and for that, we set goals to achieve and live the dream in reality. Goals give us a reason to achieve and succeed. From setting small to big goals it requires us to spend time with ourselves, introspect our personalities and realize our potentials.
When we all have goals we make a dream list in which we write down all the dreams that we want to achieve each year. The dream list includes everything from getting a job in a big company, to buying a new car, to receiving a paycheque to many more. While making a dream list always remember things will not happen if you are sitting like a potato on the couch. You have to take action, work towards your dream list that sets a goal in your mind and heart that this is how you see your life and this is what you want.
For dreams to become really hard work is required. There is no short cut to achieving anything good it requires dedication and focus. When you want to fulfill your dreams and tell about it to people they will definitely make fun of you thinking that you want to attain the impossible. It is easy to get discouraged and disappointed but remember it is your dream and goal so you have to achieve it. It shouldn’t matter how much time it takes because goal achievement does not have a stopwatch or a year to end.
Big goals require patience, diligence and all of your sweat and blood but it also makes you unique and sets you apart from others because you’re the one who has dared to dream big. The most famous people were called mad because they were extraordinary. They questioned things and events that were unanswerable and those are the people who are actually spoken about, famous artists and scientists.
You will meet people from all walks of life who will hear you, lecture you, encourage and discourage you and these are the same people who will motivate you in their discouraging words and make you want to prove yourself and your worth in front of them. People who get discouraged easily should switch their thoughts to their goals and don’t doubt what you have written because you’ve written it for a purpose in life. It is easy to erase your goals and follow your normal life routine but it will only make you regret that if at the time of writing your dreams and setting goals you were motivated to make it all happen for you one day and you did take a step forward but because of negative comments you backed off which also shows that negative people and your dreams lost the battle.
Till the time you prove yourself to be the best you should never rest because your dreams give you a motive in life. Whatever you do put in all your efforts and stay focused the success will automatically come to you all of a sudden.
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